Tuesday, 9 August 2011

The Hydrographic Academy Blog goes live!

It has taken a fair amount of collaborative work, but I'm very pleased to announce that the Hydrographic Academy blog has now gone live!

This blog will feature details on how the Academy is developing, updates on course materials and even a few post on the technologies used to deliver content to the site. The Hydrographic Academy is in it's infancy at the moment, but more information can also be found on the HE STEM website.

I went for the blue HA logo colours and decided on a grid effect as the concept of surveying very much revolves around maps and plotting. The wave effects were to express a sonar/sonic elements of surveying, so I used a variety of sinusoidal and slightly more complex sound waves to create this pattern, which I felt encompasses this very well. All of the background was achieved in Adobe Photoshop CS5.

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