Friday, 29 September 2023

TEF Gold for University of Plymouth and The Plymouth Student Scientist e-journal

I'm pleased to share that the University of Plymouth has been awarded TEF Gold, a remarkable achievement and fantastic news for everyone involved. Basically, we are a top inistitution compared with other univerisities in the UK when it comes to teaching, in every respect. For those interested in the finer details, you can obtain the summary document from the Office for Students here.

Additionally, I was also excited to discover that The Plymouth Student Scientist e-journal ( played a small but significant role in this accomplishment, a journal I run to showcase and publish excellent undergraduate Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics research. I have to say a big thank you to all the fantastic students and supervisors who contribute to the journal each year! Apparently the Office for Students recognised it as an outstanding contributor/component to student learning and research (Office for Students, 2023). 

Office for Students (2023) Provider's outcome summary - Teaching Excellence Framework: University of Plymouth summary TEF 2023 panel statement document. Available at: (Accessed: 29/9/2023).

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