Monday, 7 January 2013

In the limelight - could this be you at @Pelecon13 ...?

Helen Keegan takes the limelight at Pelecon
There are only a few weeks left to submit your 300 word abstract and get a taste of the friendly limelight Pelecon 2013 has to offer.   

It's a family affair
The Plymouth Enhanced Learning Conference is often praised for its "warm family atmosphere".
Hosted at Plymouth University, Devon, UK, it attracts learning professionals from across the globe.  You'll have the opportunity to explore, discover and discuss new approaches, new technologies and new ideas to enhance, enrich and extend professional practice.

Submit a paper
Pelecon welcomes papers, workshops, panels and symposia in any of the following areas, or associated topics:
  • New and emerging learning technologies
  • Classroom tools
  • New pedagogies, theories and practices
  • Mobile and ambient technologies
  • Human computer interfaces
  • Virtual and personal learning environments
  • Social media and social networking
  • Digital literacy
  • Digital personal identity
  • Personalised learning and personal devices
What does it take to submit?
It's all in a single click of an on-line submission form... Abstracts of up to 300 words for paper presentations, workshop sessions and panel discussions. Please indicate the aims of the paper, conference themes and the type of audience at which the paper is aimed.

Pelecon are accepting submissions until Friday 1st February 2013. Successful submissions will be notified by 15th February 2013.

To submit your papers head over to the Pelecon submission page.

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