Friday, 13 January 2012

Hydrographic Academy module 1 trial starts

Rather excited, as the first batch of trial students for the Hydrographic Academy module 1 start today! The team, including fellow learning technologists Jon Scott and Luke Denner had been busy finalising content right up to Christmas. It's an international affair and we are pleased that the Christmas post did not delay the delivery of the coursework.

More information of the progression can also be found on the Hydrographic Academy's dedicated website. The registering an interest form is also available on the University of Plymouth's extranet pages for all those interested in having a go at the course themselves!

Good luck to our trial students, we hope you enjoy the course :)


  1. Congratulations guys, hope it all goes to plan and proves very successful :)
    Mark P

  2. Thanks Mark! much appreciated, we are fingers crossed :D
