Distance learning: Presenting at Pelecon 2012 for the Hydrographic Academy project
As you know I have been working on the Hydrographic Academy (HA) project with a dedicated team to create TEL distance learning modules/programme for the hydrographic industry. I am pleased to announce that we have been given the opportunity to present at PELeCON (Plymouth e-Learning Conference) at Plymouth University (18-20th April 2012). This is Plymouth University's 7th e-learning conference which is known for drawing people from around the world into the ever growing field of Technology Enhanced Learning (TEL). The presentation is called:“All hands on deck: Developing technology-enhanced distance learning for the marine industry”, a project ultimately all about team work. The presentation will provide a brief overview of the newly formed Hydrographic Academy; its intended student market; the constraints presented by their remote location; and the challenges of developing an ‘offline-course’ for the hydrographic surveying industry.
If you can make the conference, we would be pleased to see you there! Details on timings will be available soon via the PELeCON website.
Pelecon website including conference schedule is now live at http://pelecon.net