Here are some useful links: SCOLAR on T&L Web, there is also a powerpoint slide that highlights the features.
(Edit - since writing this post, further details on how to setup and use SCOLAR are now available)
Key points:
- Linked to tulip
- Will be under ‘Lists’ on module sites (left navigation bar) shown as ‘Assignments’
- Stage 2 Pilot underway Jan – Jun 09
- When with this be officially rolled out? – Sept 2009
- Electronic submission.
- Email notifications.
- Accept late submissions.
- Shows student numbers not names at the moment.
- Feedback and marks can be added by the tutor.
- Students see marks after the moderator agrees.
- Student view – will have ‘upload assignment’ – with declaration of own work.
- Resubmitted files will replace the existing file even if it has a different file name.
- Students can only submit one file (so zip maybe necessary for multiples).
- Schools to decide if this option/facility is used.
- Automation of assignment for multiple markers.
- Printing of documents – who pays? - the intention is to keep it all online (Faculty/School/individual can decide if they wish to implement).